For many years we operated in Feldbrunnenstrasse overlooking the roofs of Rotherbaum and at the end of 2007 we moved to our current studio at Bogenstrasse 43 / Corner of Schlankreye.
Here we are working at ground level, our idea of multilateral exposure has remained faithful and offers the neighbourhood a small, discreet insight into our world of ideas.
The studio is kept white and neutral. It therefore offers the necessary freedom for the ideas and wishes of our clients to be completely honest.
Our rooms represent our ideas of democracy and transparency, open and light. At first glance you can see and feel how we work.
For the intimate things we offer a particular small room with its own unique, warm atmosphere. Here private discussions can take place comfortably or the perfect colours can be chosen – in simulation of real day light (if the weather and the wind do not want to collaborate). Otherwise it is nicer to discuss colours and materials on our forecourt in the sunshine, and to enjoy a delicioos MariageFrére Tea or a Meindl Coffee.
Only the historically evolved area of Hamburg, offers a true connection between working and living, school and workshop. The artists and creative minds of the neighbourhood shape us as well as the fine Harvestehude. This inspires our work and at the same time, we believe is our responsibility to society. Carrying some of our ideas to the historic neighbourhood.
As before, we are still small and fine, rather than big and loud. Offering the best services with a personal touch, is rare to find.
Feel invited to visit us – just for an acquaintance or even for a project together!